Dear students, Soon after you leave, your classroom will be filled with other set of children. Other set of impish creatures, chatter boxes, wimpy kids and brainboxes. Back to square one! I won't lie that you are the best but I will surely miss you. Your jokes, laughter, the witty counters and every single thing. I even love the way you irritate me. You have always been and will ever be close to my heart. The year with you was eventful— filled with lectures, class tests, revisions and model exams. Every single day was a brand-new learning. Looking back, I can't recollect what I taught but I can certainly remember what I have learnt from you. It's from you I learnt that the students are not aliens (though they behave like one), It's from you I learnt that the students want a teacher and not an instructor. It's from you I learnt the art of empathy. It's from you I learnt how to keep one's cool even during adverse times. I don't know whether I'll be...