Eventful days-1

It was around half past three when a white TATA zest came to our doorstep, hooting its horn. Though irritating it was strangely amusing. Three days— three whole days away from the endless clockwork. 

With the same josh, I assisted my dad in sorting out the luggage and clambered into the car. It's an unwritten rule that my dad has to sit in the front seat next to the driver and my mom has to be sandwiched between my sister and me. 

When it comes to enjoying the trip, we have our own unique ways— my sister, being a recluse, plugged in her earphones and leaned back in her seat. My dad was striking up conversations with the driver occasionally on the wierdest of the subjects that couldn't be fathomed. My mom was closely watching the changing locations so carefully as if she was registering every single detail in her mind and  I was under the charm of the Rahman songs from the driver's playlist. It seemed the songs were carefully handpicked for an ardent Rahmanian. Long drive, cosy seat, favourite song.... it was euphoric except for the unbearable sultry which hurdled us from enjoying the journey. 

The driver presumably had a penchant for Rahman songs. His playlist kept me deeply engrossed that I totally forgot about the books that I had taken along with me for a leisure reading during the journey. I could even remember the page which I had dog-eared the previous morning but couldn't take my mind off the songs.

(To be continued....)


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