Tuesday morning dawned as always with us rushing to the auditorium with notepads / laptops. As I barged in, I saw teachers clustered section wise to discuss how to go about practising for the Teachers' day program. While walking through various clusters, I happened to overhear the "Assam" team discussing rigorously on what to wear. 

Back in our section, the discussion was rather heated. Amidst the chaos, I was called. "Maha, we are staging a dance. Come. Join us!", said the event coordinator. Before it could sink in, I was dragged to the rehearsal spot where a dozen more teachers had already been waiting. Being a newbie, I couldn't gather myself to say "NO". So, out of FOMO, I nodded my head, wishing badly to be rejected. 

The other teachers in the room were filled with josh and vigour. Unlike me, they were open to dance, sing, perform or to do anything. I seemed to be a complete odd one out.  I had inhibitions. What if they laughed at my dance, what if I forgot the steps in front of all?... questions start reverberating in a continuous loop. "Is it necessary? Shall I just flake out?", I asked myself. 

"I have never danced in my whole life. I feel shy. Even singing or compering would be easier.", I whined to my friend. She was relentless. There weren't any unwanted coaxing and cajoling. "Maha, you can compere any time. Being a teacher of English, that is not something for you to achieve. But this is a once-in-a while opportunity. Who else is gonna ask you to dance, if not us? Just seize the opportunity.", she concluded with an air of certainty. 

I felt bad for a moment that she didn't empathise with me. Only later did I realise that she was correct and, I had always been on this self-imposed prison called 'Comfort zone'. That reminded me of Robert Frost's lines, my mentor used to quote often - 'Take the road less travelled by'

The next day, I went prepared to practise. I was mentally stronger and more open to seize whatever that would come on my way. But,

(to be continued...)


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