On Reading Bond's Angry River!!!

Reading books is always an escape from reality. When it comes to reading Ruskin Bond's, it's an escape to a wonderland where there is no place for worries. To add more pleasure to it, the book was suggested by a 14 year old girl. 

While we were engaged in an engrossing conversation—all about reading, I accidentally mentioned Bond's"Blue Umbrella" as one of my favourite reads and suitable for children. 
She countered me with n number of books— "The Angry River", "The Naughtiest Girl in the School", "Percy Jackson", "Nancy Drew", "Famous Five", "Find-outers and Dog", etc...., the list stretched. 

The glee in her eyes and her curiosity enthused me and I assured her that I would read those books for sure. She went a step further and lent her book to me willingly, so that I could read.I felt so overwhelmed and promised her that I would give her another book to read in turn.

When I grabbed the book,  that was not actually a full-length novel but a novella. Just in the size of "The Blue Umbrella". 

Its front cover—brilliantly designed, sported Ruskin Bond's name in bigger block letters and the title—Angry River beneath it. On the back cover, the blurb was also inducing with a sentence or two from the text and a brief summary of the same (with spoiler alert though). So without much ado, I kept it in my bag hoping to read during the weekend. Read I did and relished Bond's storytelling yet another time. 

(Review coming up soon)


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