This man!!!

The unlit paths have changed into luminously lit streets...
The unpaved trails have turned into paved streets...
The vagabond vendors are now proud owners of big business outlets...
But one thing that has never changed is, this man and the peculiar ways he chooses to shower his love on me. 

I still vividly remember the eight year old me, throwing tantrums for a pillion ride, whenever he would kickstart his bike. To my nagging, never would he allow me to and would  beat me if I insisted. 
Little did I know that the hot tempered  disciplinarian would grow to become an even tempered father. 

From those murky childhood days to these charming adolescent days, his way of loving me is matchless. When all the other fathers bought their children, expensive gifts, he would not. When  they took their children on vacation, all he could afford  was a sleepover at my granny's place. When they spent all their weekends laughing and dancing, our days would be grim and eventful. Our Diwalis have never been filled with noisy crackers but with sweets and delicacies. My birthdays haven't been occasions for cutting expensive cakes but for visiting temples and savoring homemade sweets. 
Of course this man is not for wild fun but for sustained happiness. Never has he given me what I wanted nor has he failed to provide me with what I needed. Life has never been good to him. But he has always taken it in his stride.

When I am with him, I stop dancing to the tone of life. He ensures that I enjoy each and every ounce of life's charm. No matter what the monetary tight corners or time insufficiency he has to battle with, he does it fervently. 

He knows money can't buy happiness but efforts do. He believes, simplest of things, when done with care, can make our loved ones extremely happy. 

Yesterday it was half past eight when he was about to kick-start his bike. The eight year old child in me overpowered the adult me and asked him for a ride. (These days he never says no to such pleadings. He even wants me to accompany him instead of being confined to the four walls)

Wheeeer.......the beast came to life. I even wonder at times if he is a man in his fifties or teens. Such is his pace and josh when he is on his bike. On and on it went unbridled into dark lanes, avenues passing by the numerous shops, partially lit houses and densely unkempt bushes. Not even a single man was found on the path in the pitch dark. 

"Paa... why can't you choose a safer pathway, frequented by people?"..... I went on despite knowing the truth that it was his craze to show me around the places. He was totally heedless to my rants as he was busy explaining me the titbits about the streets we were passing by— how the people who used to reside there have abandoned the place and how the area has lost its charm lately. Most of the time I had to duck down or tilt my head closer to hear him out. That's what making this bike ride exciting. Whenever I say that I can't hear, my dad mockingly suggests that I have to be taken to an ENT specialist. That is enough to drive me nuts too. 

With all these mockeries, we rushed further. The night time's breeze caressed my already disheveled hair strands lovingly. 

My phone was ringing constantly that I had to pick up. As I was chattering over phone, the bike slowed down to a halt. My dad gestured to get down. I thought it was to purchase goods for the shop. But, to my surprise it was my favourite Filter coffee shop. I hung up the call hurriedly to grab my hot piping coffee and sipped it to my heart's content.

The coffee tasted heaven as always but that day not only the taste of coffee I could feel but also the taste of this man's peculiar love for me with his poker face that's devoid of any emotions or unnecessary dramas. When on the way back home, lots of thoughts ebbed and flowed in my mind— Is there a way to pay off his love and efforts? and sorts. 

But I didn't bother to articulate a single sentence to him. No thanks.. nothing. When the love is unconditional, you never feel like thanking the person it feels just an unwanted formality. 

With mix of emotions
His daughter..❤️


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