From the missing block to the Jigsaw board...❤️

Letter to mom and dad...

Dear mom, your memories haunt me. You come to my mind during the most unexpected of times.when I wake up in the morning, my eyes long to see you mopping around the house doing chores. When I find my bathing soap getting thin, my tongue automatically shouts out "Maa, soap...." Not a single hour elapses without your memory. Whenever you are around, I remain me. Your presence is not appreciated but your absence is felt. I no longer remember your strict disciplinarian demeanor; all I remember is your gentle embracing smile and that lovely pat on my back whenever I accomplish something, no matter how trivial it be, you never fail to appreciate me. Your words of encouragement fuel my confidence and let me challenge anything or anyone. Never have my eyes seen you lazing around doing nothing. 

Whom will you advise on thousand random things ranging from waking up early in the morning to goggling before going to bed? Who will carry water in vessels downstairs everyday? Whom will you blame for the overcooked dosas? Who will receive scoldings from you as if they were priceless possessions? Who will irritate you with whistling and howling? For whom will you cook your delicious appam? Who will flatter you for all the hundred things you deserve to be appreciated? 
Dear dad, behind you on your bike is the safest place I have ever felt. No body can sweet talk me to do things as you do. How did you master the art of dodging my kiddish tantrums and shower me with your unconditional love? You flash through my eyes, whenever I see people hurrying past on bikes. You smile at me even when I shout at you; praise me for the insipid food I cook; we at times fight even for weird reasons. The arguments, dayouts, shoppings, everything has become things of past now. 

Whom will you nag to prepare your perfect egg scramble with onions in it? Who will warn you to sleep on time? Who will apply oil or pain balm for you? Whom will you scold, if there is no water served during meals? Who will share with you all the deepest of secrets? Who will give you the tiniest block from the Dairymilk which you buy?

Dear both,
I feel more like a building, deprived of its basement. Standing tall yet trembling and crumbling inside. They say, "The crowd is not a company". Without you both, I at times feel terribly alone even amidst a score of near and dear ones. Who will drive me to all those near and faraway places for my insane reasons? Who will know what I want and load them even before I realise that I need them? Who will convince me with that one reason to try further amidst all the many difficulties? Who will cheer me up with a perfect cup of coffee whenever I feel low? Most importantly who will red alert me with that billion dollar statement "You look heftier today!!!" 

There are thousand other people to curry favour me. But nobody under the sun who pinpoints my pitfalls to my face and warn me to brace myself against all the impending agonies. People usually smile when I am happy but you both shed tears seeing me happy... the tears of happiness.You both are to be blamed for having reared me with all your love and care that has paralysed me. Love you both and more than that, long to be with you. If life were to be a football match and I were to be given my second halftime, I would ensure that I be a better daughter.

Having said all these, I realise how dependent we three are of one another, just like jigsaw puzzle, absence of one piece makes everything meaningless. 

The missing block😞


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