
Showing posts from July, 2023


I live in an emotional no man's land!!! Outwardly, it seems everybody owns me. Parents say that I'm their daughter and I was born and brought up there at their place. In-laws say that I'm all theirs now and they are my second parents. My life is there and my progeny will flourish there at their place. They even assure that I have every right to ask anything I want.  I was so happy thinking that I got two parents to love me and own me. Yesterday I was at my mom's place. When I was about to lift a pitcher full of water, my mom said, "Be careful. If you trip down, we have to answer your in-laws."  Today, back in my in-laws' house, this morning I was heating a pot full of water. When I was about to transfer it to a bucket, I heard my dad-in-law saying, "let it be. We shall do that for you. If it spills, we have to answer your parents."  It was epiphanic! I realised a bitter truth— let it be my parents or in-laws, they care for me but don't own me

Movie Review (The Sun is also A Star)

Love is the most magical thing that hits us when we least expect it. And it is always easy for a tender hearted to fall in love. But for a skeptic? Will it be that easy to convince her and get her love? Difficult but not impossible. Cupid is always on duty! He melts the hearts magically. His arrows never miss the target. The movie shows how cupid connects a tender hearted Daniel Bae who believes in love and destiny with perceptive Natasha Kingsley who rejects it just as  a coincidence. However the fate is on its play that they both fall prey to it as puppets. The movie opens hysterically showing Natasha, arguing with her parents howmuch she loves NewYork and not ready to leave it anymore. It is unleashed that their African immigrant family has to be deported to Jamaica after an ICE raid. When the entire family is budging, Natasha fights back, knocking the doors of different officials, seeking legal help. On the other hand, Daniel, being a Korean immigrant who ha

Movie Review (Beyond the Blackboard)

  Title: Beyond the Blackboard (2011) Director: Jeff Bleckner Language: English (US) Duration : 97mins. Genre: Television drama film   A feel good movie that shows how a strong willed committed teacher can make a lasting impact in the lives of her students, no matter what they undergo. It shows the predicaments of a passionate woman named Stacey Bess who ends up becoming a teacher in a temporary shelter where the children of socially neglected people are schooled. The movie is an adaptation of   “Nobody Don’t Love Nobody” (A memoir by Stacey Bess) When the movie opens, we are shown the glimpses of Stacey’s troubled childhood and how thrilled she is about becoming a teacher. She says, “(as a child) I loved to be a teacher. I loved the giant pull-down maps and the way brand new textbooks smelled. I loved writing my name at the top of the page, as though I was someone who counted…..” These words strongly project how becoming a teacher can be an escape from her troubled life.