Beware!!! Scammers!!!!

Public transport can teach us the best of life's lessons. Every passenger learns something or other. I am not an exception for that. Today my mom and I were commuting back home from temple on a government bus. Boarding the bus itself was a herculean task let alone having a seat. But somehow my mom deviced a brilliant plan and thanks to that we both could travel hastle free, sitting in a two-seater— I, near the window and mom, next to me. 

When the overcrowded bus scuttled past heavily,  there came an old woman in her late 60s, moving towards our seat. The bus was jam-packed. The heat and sultry combined with wafting odour was unbearable. Amidst those jostling people of various sizes, the old woman looked so miserable. When I was busy sympathising with her, my mom stood up and let her be seated. She was so gentle but felt awkward to sit in someone else's place (on charity). She looked sideways at me as if I would be offended as she let my mom stand. "I'll get down in the next stop", she said meekly. "No problem Amma. Sit sit..", I said soothingly. As she said, she stood up to get down and my mom was about to sit. I was squeezing a bit to let her sit conveniently. 

Before she could sit, a lady prompted another to sit. They both were equally hefty and probably in their late 40s. I darted an angry look at them but neither of them noticed. Rather, one of them explained to another, "It was her place. She gave space to the old lady" As my mom sat, she asked her where we had to get down. My mom replied that ours was the last stoping point. "Have been standing since morning. Legs are paining...." It was clear what she expected from my mom. Bluff!!!

My mom, being in high spirits asked her to sit for sometime. "***SOME TIME***". I was confused as to why my mom was behaving so weirdly good. I even tried to stop her; eyeing her not to stand but in vain. The hefty lady denied once for namesake but sat so comfortably when my mom stood up. 

I was sputtering with rage. Not because she helped someone but because she did that to someone who was not a deserving one. The lady was stout and seemed not so exhausted as my mom did. On top of that, she moved gradually further to sit comfortably, pushing me to the edge. I felt like elbowing her to fall off the seat. Stops went by, it was roughly 30minutes but that lady didn't seem to stand up. I felt the urge to do something, else my mom would be standing throughout the 50minutes journey.

"Maa... Come sit down in my place. I'll stand instead...", I started. Before I could complete, she gestured me to sit. I sat, staring at the lady. "Wait I'll stand within minutes.", said cunningly. 

I couldn't do anything apart from glaring at my mom. She didn't respond and was standing as if it was a kind of enjoyment for her. I was annoyed to the core. "Never mind. Let her suffer....", I said to myself and averted my eyes. 

Minutes flew by and I just turned to find her sleeping. It was shocking. Then after two stops, as some people got down seats turned empty. My mom sat in one of them. Only then did the lady open her eyes. 

I was skeptical if she had been really asleep or just pretending. By the way, whatever it can be, the lady was not to be blamed but the people like my mom. Being good is not bad. But one has to be aware of the scammers. Not everyone deserves sympathy.

Lesson learnt!!!


  1. "Bluf" I can feel your anger in this single expression maha

  2. It is so common that each day we meet so many different type of people like these in our life. As Shakespeare said it righly, "Know Thyself ", only our part is, we have to prove ourself as who we are.

    திருக்குறள் 314.

  3. I can feel you maha...I went through the same situation.


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