
Showing posts from May, 2023

Beware!!! Scammers!!!!

Public transport can teach us the best of life's lessons. Every passenger learns something or other. I am not an exception for that. Today my mom and I were commuting back home from temple on a government bus. Boarding the bus itself was a herculean task let alone having a seat. But somehow my mom deviced a brilliant plan and thanks to that we both could travel hastle free, sitting in a two-seater— I, near the window and mom, next to me.  When the overcrowded bus scuttled past heavily,  there came an old woman in her late 60s, moving towards our seat. The bus was jam-packed. The heat and sultry combined with wafting odour was unbearable. Amidst those jostling people of various sizes, the old woman looked so miserable. When I was busy sympathising with her, my mom stood up and let her be seated. She was so gentle but felt awkward to sit in someone else's place (on charity). She looked sideways at me as if I would be offended as she let my mom stand. "I'll get down in th

Opportunity, out of thin air-3

The trick was, just to put off things for a while. My mom can't stop me from such academic or professional endeavours. Something in me said that she would budge (but only if I be quiet). So I didn't shout or sulk. Hours passed. When it was ten minutes to four, she asked me when I  had to leave. That implied, there were no more splinters on my path to NIT-T. "4:30pm", told I and got ready as such.  Incidentally mom and dad couldn't make it to go out that evening. Nonetheless, I wasn't allowed to call dad to drop me, as he got held up in our shop. That didn't matter. I still had my scooty for my rescue at least until SIT. From there I could manage to board the bus to NIT-T.  When I reached the bike stand, it was half past four. I had time. Needn't rush as always. When I went to the bus stop, I could see nobody waiting. To add fuel to the fire, the sun was blazing overhead. But none of them could put a mud bund to my excitement.  With my crossed fingers,