
Letter to Gran...

Dear grandma,
It's your thoughtless, selfish, stupid grandchild writing to you. How do you feel now? I really hope that you are fine. You have been sick and senile many times even before. But this time it's so different. I feel something pressing on my chest. Is that an ominous sign which implies that I'm going to lose you once and for all? Or is that some stupid, duffer overthinking? Whatever it may be it feels like hell. I have never been a good grandchild to you, grandma. Now I wish I could have been one!

How lovely and caring you used to be (and even now). I'm always a child to you no matter how big I grow. "Visit me when you find time! Take care of your mom! Don't fight with Pavi! Learn cooking!"  Your advice would stretch. Your words keep resonating in my mind. Who will advise me unless it's you? Who will shed tears thinking me? Who will take my side when amma scolds me or Pavi fights with me? Trust me grandma I have always wanted to be a good granddaughter to you. You know one thing? When I earned my first salary, it was you who came to my mind. But I was a recluse who did nothing more than wishing. 

Gone are the days grandma. Gone are the days when you used to be a majestic owner of your kitchen; gone are the days when you used to give me whatever I ask for— right from my favourite food to the utensils for my trivial kiddish games. Will it ever return? Will you come to wipe these stupid tears that are oozing out my eyes?

Whenever I think of you, I can only see that grandma of my childhood who used to be bossy and masterful yet kind and gentle to me, her grandkid. Seeing you growing increasingly weak and senile is torturous beyond any single word can express.

I still remember how eagerly I used to wait for summer vacation just to visit you; to have fun with the neighborhood children despite your prohibitions; to be fed with your hands; to sit on your cosy lap; to listen to your kitchen stories; to escape the troublesome schooldays. Staying with you used to be a dream come true for me— the peculiar chinks and clinks of your cutlery, the energising aroma of the condiments and the perfect smile on your face that would induce an insatiable appetite in me! 

Amma told me. Even when you were struggling to breathe, you kept telling that you wished to see me as a bride. Do you love me that much grandma? Am I so important to you? Is this the "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE", grandma?

But time is so cruel, grandma. It brought so many people into my priority list and I, being a thoughtless puppet, danced to its tunes, forgetting you. Will you ever pardon me for that? 

Get well soon dearest grandma! I swear I'll visit you and I'll gift you something which will widen your lips in a perfect smile. 



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