Anecdotes from the life of a literature student-3


"Group no.4!", I heard a throaty voice announcing from nowhere. Turning around, I saw a man in solid navy blazer with gray slacks approaching us clutching a sealed envelope in one hand and a mic in the other. His wax polished loafers gave him an extremely formal look. His walk was slow paced, sporting a tinge of pride.

Though he didn't tell anything straightaway, I could feel his cynical mind asking us, "will you all get through this round?" That was more than enough to fuel the fear of uncertainty in my mind. 

I just blinked away and surveyed my fellow members of the "GROUP NO.4". They were of mixed expressions— some were visibly nervous, some were undoubtedly confident; some were even admiring his posh looks. 
Coming back to my senses, I felt a sudden rush of fear and did my best to hide it with a meek smile which betrayed me as usual.

Finally, he reached the dais on which we had been gathered in a semicircular seating. When we tried to stand up, he gestured us to be seated and shot a friendly smile. Though artificial, that made us feel better. 

He greeted us a pleasant morning; congratulated for having made it to the second level and shared with us the ground rules to be followed in the group discussion. We, with due respect listened to his words religiously and were awaiting the topic to be announced. 

There were totally eight groups with equal number of participants in them. Each group was given a different topic to discuss. Most of the topics were so  clichéd (which I hardly remember now). 

(To be continued...)


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