Children, the Source of Awe!

Children are the most amazing creatures in the world.They can be impish and angelic at the same time. 

They are as unique as our thumbprints. They come in adorably variable forms. 

They smile, they giggle, they laugh, they blabber, they imitate, they irritate, they question, they explain, they pinch us even punch us on our noses, they drive us nuts by exhausting us!!!
But by the end of the day, they are our stress-bursters. They are amazing in their own ways. 
They are unrelenting; there is no child in the world which can give up on what it wants; they never stop questioning until they get a convincing answer. They are curious; curious about anything and everything. They are the purest of the pure; their anger and wailings fade away in no time; they know nothing about grudges and vengeance; a friendly smile, a hearty hug, a chocolate or a toy can light up a kid's face. They are avid observers; they don't need to be visibly listening but they replicate verbatim. They are no less than teachers; their most innocent words can sometimes hit neils on our heads and lead to huge realisations. 

Having children around is as adventurous as a roller coaster ride; breathtakingly terrifying yet soothingly delightful. Let's stay pure with perfect mojo like them!!!


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