Amateur's scribblings (My poem)

It's always delightful to come upon our amateurish writeups. It's such a fortunate stroke of serendipity that I came upon this poem (I think so) this morning. Probably written two or three years ago during my early years of SRV as a teacher. 
I am not particularly proud but immensely pleased to find this out when I didn't expect to.
 Here it is...

I have..... but I don't

Name I have 
    but fame I don't...
House I have 
    but home I don't...
Brain I have 
     but thoughts I don't...
Heart I have 
     but love I don't...
Sense I have 
      but feelings I don't...
Desire I have 
      but efforts I don't...
Eyes I have 
     but dreams I don't...
Tongue I have 
     but taste I don't...
Nose I have 
     but fragrance I don't...

What if I had all that I want to and yearn to... Is life an endless seeking for the unseekable for everyone just like mine? 
(Speck of dust)


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