Women's Day??!!

Happy Women's Day 2020! This is how I'm supposed/expected to start this post. But before that there are many things to be dealt with. Under the pretext of taking women's side, we degrade them by letting them subconsciously believe that they are biologically, socially, psychologically, intellectually inferior to men. Who are men to give freedom to women when everyone is equal and there is no difference at all. Neither the boys have horns, nor do the girls have tails.(they do have ponytails though). Then what prompts us to beg for equality?

There are many myths to fuel this practice. One among them is regarding the creation of mankind. God created Adam and breathed life and later only from the rib of Adam,Eve was created. A typical patriarchal story. Moreover there are some nerds to justify this too. By telling, God did it purposefully. Because he didn't create Eve out of Adam's skull or out of his leg bone. But out of his rib. It's to state, the women are neither inferior nor superior but equal to men.

We have to understand the very purpose of differences between men and women. We are like Jigsaw puzzle. If all the pieces look alike, we can't solve the puzzle. And I hope that's why we are what we are and they are what they are. We have to be interlocked and there must be a perfect harmony in this assemblage.

People either underestimate or overestimate the women, when they actually don't want to be estimated at all. On one hand they personify rivers, countries and everything as a woman. They proudly call it "Mother tongue" on the other hand they keep using feminine terms in degrading context. Like, Pandora's box to refer to something which is seemingly attractive but destructive. Drama Queen to refer to someone who exaggerates things and over reacts.

Men put the women down by confining them to the narrow boundaries like cooking, fashion and so on. Women are just like men; only the domain differs - man, in his work place; woman, in hers. 

There is no point in celebrating Women's Day without understanding the fact that men and women are equal. We are not chalk and cheese; We are not poles apart; we are but two sides of the same coin. Women need empathy not sympathy! Celebrate mankind not women alone!!


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