HaPpY HuNdReD!!!!🥳🥳🥳

I was scrolling through my blog yesterday. It was surreal to notice that it was the hundredth blog post to be published next. Blogging!!! It has always been a source of respite for me. It made me understand my own complexities and helped me to articulate them in the fittest way possible. It connected me with like-minded people who would induce me to write more with their suggestions and words of appreciation. Great things take time and it has almost been half a decade!!! But, to me it seems like yesterday, back in 2018 May . The bored me took up a paper and pen to pour my heart out, sitting in the last row of the staff gathering. I still remember how monotonous it was for the "fresher ME", to sit through lengthy lectures and listen to random intellectuals bombarding the crowd with their areas of expertise. When I glanced sideways, I spotted impatient seniors yawning, tapping the dials of their watches for nth time and doodling in their notepads....