Letter to 2k22

Dear 2022, It was yet another heartening experience with you. You were born in an utter uncertainty. I was so skeptical about you. But you turned out to be a good one (with occasional bumps and pits though). It's you who let me realize that my intellect is not a yardstick to measure my worth but my attitude. You made it clear that people can't see through one's real self sometimes, and it's perfectly alright. I learnt that better people are always on their way. You made it clear that occasional setbacks aren't failures. You offered me the rarest of opportunities that dragged me out of my comfort zones and showed what I am really capable of. You let my five years of careful tending and pruning be rewarded in multitude. You gave me gems but took away my treasure trove, the umbilical cord to my childhood💙. You let me even question my self worth and gave me some dark hours which now I realize to be the most needed tether to pull me back to the balanced te...