My Grandma's pickle jar

My Grandma's pickle jar "Where is that? Where have you hidden that this time, granny?”, I would call out to my granny as I enter, whenever I visited her. The long hours of travel, the exasperating hot sun, lurching tongue craving for water, droopy tired eyes strict disciplinarian mom with disapproving looks could do nothing to stop me from nagging my grand mom just to get my then favourite, childhood obsession— the pickle jar, from one of the topmost shelves of my grand mom's dingy, smoky kitchen. My grand mom's kitchen used to be my childhood's treasure hunt hotspot ! It would always charm me into fishing out the various antique pieces which had been hoarded by my grand mom— half were the heirlooms of her rich tradition and half were the sheer portrayal of her ever growing craze to hoard antique pieces. This magnificent heap of treasure included— brass mortar and pestle, flower edged wooden churner, peacock shaped brass cutter, coconut-scraper, bowl...