Humble Aloe plant

This morning I went to water the plants on the terrace. My plants were very happy, nodding their heads in delight, as they were gonna be watered after longtime. I may have many lame reasons for not watering the plants but for these poor plants I am the sole benefactor. So I went and watered the plants. Only the first two plants — two Tulsi plants. They were well nourished, even worshipped by my mother every alternative day and on some auspicious occasions with sacred camphor and incense sticks. They stood so proud and unsatiated with my half a bucket of water and demanded for more. I didn't relent and went on with another mug. It splashed and spattered with those satisfying mugfuls. Then I went to the slab and filled the bowl that had been kept by my mother for her lovely constant guests— crows! The moment I filled and moved from the spot, a flock of crows thronged and perched on the slab. Some of them even roosted on the clothesline on which my mother had hung o...